Welcome Los Angeles Harbor College or Pierce College students!
You are in the website for "Administration of Justice 001 Introduction to AJ course. Instructor: Professor Mike Reid
Go to www.mycollege.laccd.edu, select the Canvas tab, it will move you to the course you registered for.
Your syllabus is in Canvas
Students will need to accept the invitation in Canvas
If you already have an Canvas account, my class will appear on your Student Dashboard.
My website, www.professormikereid.com is your advantage for additional course information. This information is course content that will assist you with success in this course. It is highly suggested that you first login to Canvas and use this course as a supplement.
Remember, Canvas is your home page. Go there first!
Grading Rubric - Written assignments, individual or group presentations are graded using the below rubric. If you miss an in class assignment where this rubric is to be used, the grade is 0.
1. DEVELOPING- 1 to 3-1/2 Grade (Explanation: Student needs assistance with written or oral communications of their expressions of thought, no specific point of view is identified in presentation and expression of content is limited.)
2. EMERGING- 4 to 6-1/2 Grade (Explanation: Student provides a written or oral communications point, his/her point of view is identified, changes direction in thoughts, has limited expressions on content.)
3. ADVANCED- 7 to 10 Grade (Explanation: Student has a strong written or oral communications point of view, a convincing position and provides presentation elements with clarity of expression.)
AJ001 Court Simulation- (Usually the second month of class) No Simulation during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Students "must" take part in the class court simulation. This simulation is designed to have "ALL" students in class participate. Failing to participate in this simulation will result in a full grade reduction for this course. Students who start and not finish the presentation, or get up and walk out of class during any part of the simulation, will also receive a full grade reduction for this course. No Simulation during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Remember, showing for class break out groups and participating in any preparation for your group is graded. So, you must show for all of your group work to understand the content. Students have clever excuses and different ways to miss class. This is simple, not attending the Court Simulation, will result in a full grade reduction.
Share your tips on how to navigate and take Canvas in the Chat room. Feel free to use the chat room to communicate to me, or other students. Remember you character is important and it is graded, so be respectful and courteous when you are in a chat room.
See the tips below:
Don't wait until the last few hours that your test is available to begin taking the test. If you have technical problems, you may not be able to resolve them in time to complete your exam before the test window expires.
E-mail your instructor immediately if have a problem with an exam or quiz. In the e-mail, tell your instructor what you were doing when the problem occurred, what browser you were using, and identify your Internet service provider. Include the time, date, error messages, or any other relevant information.